Amazon, Google go passive-aggressive over European laws

By | July 11, 2014

Scalper1 News

U.S. tech companies have found that the best way to respond to idiotic laws targeting them in Europe can be through passive-aggressive means. E-commerce leader (AMZN) this week responded to France’s “anti-Amazon” law prohibiting free shipping and discounts on books in the minimum possible way. It changed its shipping charge from free to 0.01 euro per book order. French subscribers to Amazon’s Prime service will still get free shipping on books. In a letter to French customers, Amazon said it would no longer be able to offer 5% discounts on books, but hoped its vast selection of physical books with fast delivery and downloadable e-books would satisfy them. But brick-and-mortar bookstores in France will have “a big leg up Scalper1 News

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