Twitter basks in Oscar glow, sidelines Samsung

By | March 3, 2014

Scalper1 News

Samsung spent big bucks to advertise during the 86th annual Academy Awards and to get host Ellen DeGeneres to take some high-profile selfies with a Samsung smartphone during the Oscars broadcast. But it was social media company Twitter (TWTR) that stole the show on Sunday. In one stunt, DeGeneres took a self portrait with a pack of A-list stars including Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Brad Pitt, Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts. Her stated goal was to produce the most retweeted photo ever on Twitter. It worked. As of noon Eastern time Monday, the snapshot had been retweeted more than 2.7 million times. That beat the previous record set by President Barack Obama after his re-election in November 2012. That photo of Obama hugging wife Michelle was retweeted a mere 781,000-plus times. The Oscars photo showed “the power of Twitter as the perfect companion to TV,” Twitter said in a blog… Scalper1 News

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