Top 5 Comical Elon Musk Lines On Tesla Motors Q3 Call

By | November 7, 2014

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What, Tesla Motors (TSLA) isn’t a green car maker anymore? If, like some of us, you have a very favorite Fed bank annual report, and maybe a favored U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission meeting , you’re on board with hearing the occasional bit of arcana from the finance arena. Here’s what we liked on Tesla’s (TSLA) third-quarter earnings conference call with analysts Wednesday afternoon, strictly for the exceedingly subtle financial funnies. 1. No more green cars. One tactic to “not have like a million variations on the Model S” is “we’re canceling green and brown as colors,” Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on the call, hesitating for importance. The cars will still be ecologically (and cost-wise) very green, but Tesla has its hands full with all the other paint colors it has to apply on a rising array of Model S versions. (Having seen one of the bad-tan Model S… Scalper1 News

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