How Apple Watch buying will be like a BuzzFeed quiz

By | March 25, 2015

Scalper1 News

Apple (AAPL) retail employees will be treating Apple Watch customers like one of those BuzzFeed quizzes, such as “Which character from ‘Friends’ are you?” Apple store employees are being trained to identify customer types for its three styles of Apple Watch (regular, sport and luxury) as well as what type of watchband they might desire. In other words, “What type of Apple Watch are you?” 9to5Mac senior editor Mark Gurman reports that Apple has created multiple sample personas to prepare employees for the launch, he said. They include “Lee,” a restaurant server who considers himself a trendy guy, and “Susana,” a woman on a budget who is willing to splurge on something nice. For the sales process, Apple employees are being coached to respond to specific customer comments, Gurman said. They’re also being trained in how to determine a customer’s wants and needs related to Apple’s smartwatch. Apple store employees… Scalper1 News

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