GoPro bringing action videos to Roku viewers

By | February 5, 2015

Scalper1 News

A ction camera maker GoPro (GPRO) plans to launch a television channel on the Roku streaming platform this spring. The channel will feature videos of extreme sports, adventure travel and the great outdoors taken with its popular cameras. “GoPro content is unique in that it emotionally resonates with a global audience,” Adam Dornbusch, GoPro’s head of programming, said in a statement Thursday. “The GoPro channel will make it simple for Roku customers to watch GoPro originally-produced and ‘best of’ user-generated content on their televisions at home. We are excited to bring the world of GoPro to Roku customers as they are one of the most engaged customer bases when it comes to the amount of streaming content they view.” Roku will join Microsoft (MSFT) Xbox, LG and Virgin America as distributors of its content. The GoPro channel on Roku will feature playlists such as “Deep Sea” and … Scalper1 News

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