Google Glass headsets now available to all for purchase

By | May 15, 2014

Scalper1 News

Great news for wannabe cyborgs: Google Glass is being made available to anyone with $1,500 burning a hole in their pocket. Google (GOOGL) previously only offered its pricey computer specs to tech conference attendees and essay contest winners and in one-off marketing stunts. On Wednesday, Google announced that it was opening its beta test program to everyone in the U.S. “We’re still in the Explorer Program while we continue to improve our hardware and software, but starting today anyone in the U.S. can buy the Glass Explorer Edition, as long as we have it on hand,” Google said in a blog post. The price of the Glass Glass headset hasn’t changed since the search giant first started offering it to tech enthusiasts last year. IHS Technology estimates that Google Glass costs about $152 to produce, based on parts and labor. Google told CBS that the estimate was… Scalper1 News

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