Google Glass available to any U.S. adult in one-day promotion

By | April 14, 2014

Scalper1 News

Step right up, folks, and get the amazing Google Glass computer spectacles for one day only. Experience for yourself the futuristic vision that everybody is talking about. The cost? Just $1,500 in one easy payment. That’s the carnival barker pitch for Google Glass, which the search giant, in a promotional stunt, is offering Tuesday to any U.S. adult. Google (GOOGL) will open up a “limited number of spots” in its Explorer program at 9 a.m. EDT on Tuesday for a limited time. Previously the head-mounted computer displays were made available to software developers at Google tech conferences and to winners of an online essay contest. Google sold about 8,000 Google Glass headsets in last year’s essay contest. Google Glass headsets let wearers access online information using voice commands and a touch-enabled slider. The device also can take photos and videos. The price of the headset has not changed since it… Scalper1 News

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