Global smartphone prices tumbling thanks to Chinese firms

By | January 8, 2015

Scalper1 News

Chinese companies are driving down the average selling prices for smartphones and tablets worldwide with low-cost products based on Google’s (GOOGL) Android operating system. The average smartphone is expected to sell for $275 in 2015, down 12% from $312 last year, according to the Consumer Electronics Association. In 2010, the average smartphone sold for $440. Smartphone sales are projected to rise 19% this year to nearly 1.51 billion units, with most of the growth occurring in developing markets like China, says the trade group. Developing markets will account for 75% of smartphone unit sales this year, compared with 40% in 2010. China alone will account for 34% of global smartphone sales. Unit sales growth is coming not from the latest Samsung or Apple (AAPL) phones, but from low-cost handsets from Chinese upstarts like Xiaomi, Coolpad and OnePlus, says Steve Koenig, CEA director of industry analysis. Many of… Scalper1 News

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