Facebook’s future is straight out of ‘WALL-E’

By | March 26, 2014

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Facebook (FB) CEO Mark Zuckerberg has seen the future and it’s straight out of the Walt Disney (DIS) cartoon “WALL-E.” It’s not enough that Zuck’s Facebook already has millions of users glued to their smartphones. With Tuesday’s proposed $2 billion acquisition of virtual-reality headset maker Oculus VR, Facebook wants to control users’ entire field of vision. In the 2008 animated film “WALL-E,” obese humans spend their days in floating lounge chairs and staring at computer screens hovering just inches in front of their faces. These slothful people while the hours away sipping on jumbo sodas, video chatting with buddies and playing virtual golf and tennis. Irvine, Calif.-based Oculus VR is developing a virtual reality headset for video games, but Zuckerberg sees broader applications. Last week, Oculus announced plans to sell a $350 developer kit for its Oculus Rift goggles, set to ship in July. A consumer version of the headset… Scalper1 News

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