Apple iPad more popular than Doritos among U.S. kids

By | October 6, 2014

Scalper1 News

Some Apple loyalists took umbrage recently when online textbook seller Chegg issued a survey saying that Apple might be losing its “cool” factor with a demographic that it can least afford to lose — U.S. college and high school students. The poll (since withdrawn and then updated by Chegg) tracked student reaction to Apple’s Sept. 9 iPhone 6 and Apple Watch announcement. But Apple’s (AAPL) iconic iPad appears to be scoring with another young demographic — little kids. Another study, this time by market research consultant Smarty Pants, found that iPad is now the No. 1 brand among kids 6-12. In the catch-all universe of brands that this age group favors, iPad beat Hershey (HSY) candy bars, Oreos, M&Ms and even Doritos corn chips on the popularity scale. According to the youth and family research consultant’s annual “Young Love” study, iPad came in first with a so-called Kidfinity Score of 898…. Scalper1 News

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