Twitter: The social network that can get you fired

By | February 11, 2014

Scalper1 News

Twitter describes itself as a short-message social network for sharing ideas and information. But many people in the general public see it as a platform for saying stuff that gets you fired. And that negative perception could be one thing hurting adoption of the service. The slowing rate of growth for Twitter is a big issue for the company, which reported fourth-quarter results last Wednesday. Its user number in the December quarter inched up to 242 million, up 3.7% sequentially, but a slowdown from prior quarters. Timeline views fell sequentially to 148 billion from 159 billion, the first such decline. Wall Street had been looking for nearly 174 billion views, as IBD reported . On a conference call with analysts, Twitter (TWTR) CEO Dick Costolo said the company is planning tweaks to the service that will make it easier to get started and find interesting content. But maybe what it needs … Scalper1 News

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