IRobot’s Roomba faces biggest rival yet in Dyson

By | September 4, 2014

Scalper1 News

Inventor and entrepreneur James Dyson introduced his company’s first robotic home vacuum cleaner at a press event Thursday in Japan, taking on industry leader iRobot’s (IRBT) Roomba. The Dyson 360 Eye robot vacuum features a vision system that observes and interprets its surroundings. Like its name suggests, the robot camera sees all around the room at once. The 360-degree vision system uses “complex mathematics, probability theory, geometry and trigonometry to map and navigate a room,” the company’s website says. “So it knows where it is, where it’s been and where it’s yet to clean.” The robot uses cyclone technology and a full-width brush bar to suck up dirt and dust. Its powerful motor gives it “the highest suction of any robot vacuum,” the company claims. Dyson’s website doesn’t specify when the Dyson 360 Eye robot will be available for purchase in the U.S. or how much it will cost…. Scalper1 News

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