Google, IBM software likely to rev up self-driving cars

By | May 22, 2014

Scalper1 News

The expected rapid growth in autonomous or self-driving cars will be a boon to software companies like Google and IBM, according to Lux Research. Software is predicted to be the biggest chunk of the autonomous car technology market, which is seen rising from $2.1 billion in sales this year to $63 billion in 10 years. By 2030, autonomous car tech is expected to be an $87 billion global opportunity, Lux Research analyst Cosmin Laslau told IBD. Laslau is the lead author of a new report titled, “Set Autopilot for Profits: Capitalizing on the $87 Billion Self-Driving Car Opportunity.” Most of the technology in the market today and even in 2030 will be relatively modets “Level 1” and “Level 2” features, says the report. Level 2 features such as adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning and collision avoidance braking will be mainstays, accounting for 92% of autonomous vehicles in 2030. Level… Scalper1 News

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