FAA’s proposed drone regulations criticized

By | February 18, 2015

Scalper1 News

The Federal Aviation Administration’s much-delayed proposed rules for operating small unmanned aircraft systems will handicap the growth of commercial drones, critics say. The FAA’s draft regulations would prohibit Amazon.com (AMZN) from testing drone deliveries in the U.S. and could restrict newsgathering operations. Released Sunday, the proposed rules pertain to non-recreational drone use. The proposed rules say drones must weigh less than 55 pounds, operate only in daylight, stay below 500 feet in altitude, can’t fly over people, and the operator must remain within visual line of sight of the drone. Drone operators would have to pass an aeronautical exam and retake the test every two years, plus submit to a background check. In addition, drones would have to have aircraft markings for identification purposes. Paul Misener, Amazon vice president for global policy, told USA Today that the FAA’s rules wouldn’t allow its Prime Air delivery service to operate in the… Scalper1 News

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