Amazon likely to convert 70% of holiday Prime trial members

By | December 30, 2014

Scalper1 News (AMZN) likely will convert 70% of the 10 million people it signed up for Amazon Prime trial memberships this holiday season to paying members, Consumer Intelligence Research Partners predicted Tuesday. Amazon announced Friday that 10 million people over the holiday season had signed up for 30-day free trials of Amazon Prime, a program that provides free two-day shipping on millions of items as well as streaming video and other perks for $99 a year. Based on its analysis of prior Amazon Prime member conversion and retention rates, CIRP estimates that 7 million of the 10 million new trial members will pay for a one-year Amazon Prime membership. It also forecasts that nearly 6 million of these customers will renew their membership after the first year. “The 7 million trial members that we anticipate will convert to paid members should generate almost $700 million in membership fee… Scalper1 News

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